Civil and
Commercial Litigation
Let our team help you.
Civil and Commercial Litigation
Charness, Charness & Charness LLP represent Fortune 500 Companies, small and medium sized businesses, and individuals. Our team of lawyers have years of experience in litigating on behalf of our clients. Our lawyers have experience litigating in front of several levels of courts in Québec and courts Canada wide. Our lawyers are all experienced in Commercial and Civil litigation and have represented some of Canada’s largest companies.
514.878.1808 | info@charnesslaw.com
Let our team help you with any of the following services:
Creditor rights and debt recovery
Contract negotiation, review and drafting
Regulatory compliance
Contract Negotiations
Commercial lease disputes
Insurance defence and subrogation claims
Labor and employment law
Voluntary Disclosures with the Canada Revenue Agency and Revenue Québec
Incorporation of businesses and start ups
Corporate set-up including annual updating requirements
Permits, Licences and Zoning
Human Resource Management
Credit Risk Management
Online Copyrights and Privacy Policy Law